Monday, October 02, 2006

The Cult Of The Hold Steady

The Hold Steady were infectiously happy at their Irving Plaza show Sunday. You couldn't help but grin watching them. Sure, you may have also been a little terrified that they would fall on their asses as they passed a bottle of whiskey around the stage, topped it off with wine drunk straight out of the bottle, and sprayed the crowd with beer. But they didn't, and even if they had, they probably would have been happy about that too.

Happy because the Minnesota Twins are in the playoffs, occasioning, as singer Craig Finn said, "the first costume change in the history of The Hold Steady" (into a Twins shirt for the encore). Happy with their exceedingly active fan base of oddly tall 6'8'' boys crowding the floor close to the stage. Manically clapping happy. Arms spread wide, clutching their receding hairlines happy. Happy enough to invite the entire crowd out drinking at a bar on Avenue A with them after the show. It was almost like a cult, my friend muttered, but hell, this is one cult I'll gladly join.

Cattle and The Creeping Things (live on the Current)

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