Sunday, October 08, 2006

Black Acres Are Claiming Me

I [heart] Princeton Record Exchange.

While its new CD selection can be a little irritating, this 25-year-old bastion of indie music does its NYC counterparts one better in the used category, pricing used CDs rationally, as if they might, in fact, have been previously listened to.

Its wall o' cheapo CDs, priced at not more than $4.99, has sucked many a music fan into determined scans of each and every title there. Not an insignificant task, given that the hundreds of CDs are organized only casually by genre, and not at all beyond that. Aerosmith lives next to Wilco, N Sync next to Jandek. But the hours of crossed eyes are worth it. My haul this weekend included the Outkast Speakerboxx/Love Below set for five bucks, the debut Vines CD for $1.99 (perhaps not really a bargain, upon a first listen), and - the real find - an Elysian Fields CD, Queen of the Meadow, for $1.99.

Singer Jennifer Waters' voice is so slinky, almost as slinky as the fiddles on this song. Listening to this song is like going to a bordello, wearing a red velvet dress, watching champagne bubbles, waltzing tipsily.

Black Acres

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