Saturday, September 30, 2006

Orphan No More

After watching the Green Day/U2 concert that was part of the overblown ESPN coverage of the New Orleans' Saints' first game back home in the Superdome, I stuck Green Day's Warning in my CD player for the first time in a long time.

This CD, for me, is an orphan. If you're a hardcore music fan, you know what I'm talking about. Perfectly good albums - even great ones - that you listened to three, maybe four times, liked a lot, and promptly forgot about because there were five more that were not so patiently waiting their turn.

Orphan CDs. They're just sitting there taking up space, but don't even try and talk yourself into getting rid of them, because you know it's not gonna happen.

Instead, let's rejuvenate the orphan CDs, and make them full members of our music collections. I'm starting with Warning.

I like Green Day, but I'm not an extreme fan. I only own this one album, and it had accumulated quite the layer of dust on it. For that, I apologize, because it's just wrong. This is a great album, filled with catchy riffs, numerous chances for a good head banging, and some great, smart lyrics to shout along with. This song in particular has it all.


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