Sunday, July 30, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

(Don't ask me what's up with this picture, because I don't know.)

Oh hell, my appreciation of Justin Timberlake isn't even really guilty any more. Dude makes me want to dance, what else do you need? Now, if I were a Kevin Federline fan, that would be something NOT to brag about.

I'm reserving judgment on the new album - I'm pretty sure that Sexy Back, or is it SexyBack? and what's the difference? - is not going to be my Summer Anthem. But I'm a proud owner of the last one (errrr, thanks to a friend who gave it to my birthday, along with Mickey Mouse-ear coasters, because I was too embarrassed to buy it myself).

Somehow I stumbled across Justin's Maida Vale sessions at the BBC (OK, maybe I was looking for them. Maybe. Shut up. What makes you better than me?). And they're kind of good, actually. Check out this version of Cry Me A River, which isn't a'tall like what you might think it would be.

Also, while toodling around looking for an mp3 version of this song, I happened upon a 2003 clip of him wearing a dolphin suit whilst playing bass for the Flaming Lips. So there, you see? Indie cred.

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