Saturday, July 01, 2006

Going Down South

Perusing the ads in alt-music magazines will usually tell you only a) about bands you already know about, b) about bands you don't want to know about, or c) that you have too much time on your hands/are avoiding something else you really should be doing instead. But occasionally you can find out about d) a new tune that kind of rocks.

I'm from a smallish town near Memphis, which is a good thing, cuz otherwise I never would have had the patience to navigate this nearly unusable Memphis record label's Web site after seeing an ad for it. Persistence paid off with the below song, which is by a guy named Corey Branan. He hails from Mississippi and appears to have turned out all right despite having played in a Black Sabbath cover band at some point in his young life. And having narrowly avoided death at the hands of King Kong.

You can stream his whole new album at his own Web site, which fortunately is more user-friendly than that of his label.

She's My Rock N Roll

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