Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Art Of Writing

These are some of my favorite lyrics. Brownie points for you if you can guess who sings them. A couple of links at the bottom.

"You want me? Come and find me. I'll be waiting, with a gun and a pack of sandwiches."

"Just when you think you have enough, enough grows."

"Boys and girls in America, they have such a sad time together...crushing one another with colossal expectations, dependent, undisciplined and sleeping late."

"We're keeping busy, yeah we're bleeding stones. With our machinations and palindromes. Anything but hear a voice, says we're basically alone."

"Star, star, teach me how to shine, shine, teach me so I know what's going on in your mind, cuz I don't understand these people, saying we're all asleep when they talk and talk forever but they'll just never climb."

"These walls are paper thin and every one hears every little sound. Everyone's a voyeur they're watching me watch them watch me right now...everyone wants two of them and half of everyone else was around. It's been agreed the whole world stinks so noone's taking showers anymore."

"I rock ruff and stuff with my afro puff."

Radiohead: Talk Show Host (TATR Version)

The Hold Steady: Stuck Between Stations (Live on The Current)

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