Sunday, February 08, 2009

Of Good And Not So Good Band Names

I'm listening to KEXP at work, not really listening, you understand, but just on the headphones so I can concentrate, and the DJ comes on and starts going on about a band called Meth Teeth and what a great name Meth Teeth is. And I have to say, I agree. Even more awesomely, they are on a label called Sweet Rot Records. They have a song called "Unemployment Forever." I cannot understand the lyrics. Here is their MySpace page.

I email this band name to a fellow indy-music-loving coworker. He writes back and agrees that it is an awesome band name. Not, he says, like the name of a band he has just stumbled upon, the Brooklyn-based Sleigh Bells. However, I think Sleigh Bells could take Meth Teeth in a battle of the bands. Visit their MySpace page, where you can download some of their stuff. "At The Beach" is my favorite.

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