Saturday, November 04, 2006

When You're Older, Ohmigod

Lately, there's been a lot of handwringing about how the Internet is changing the world as we know it, but how most of us are too stupid to figure out how exactly, and to position ourselves to make assloads of money from it.

I'm definitely in the "too stupid" camp, but I do know one thing that's going to change.

Bands are going to stop giving themselves names that are hard to search on Google. Go on, try and google "The The." I dare you.

Dept. of Energy is a new band - well, kind of new, since they appear to be a somehow reconstituted version of an earlier group called Dear John Letters - that has the same problem, seeing as how they have a massive government agency to contend with in getting their name out there. It's too bad, because they're pretty cool.

They say in a newspaper article that some of their music relies on lyrics from a poet, Alex Green. I can definitely feel that influence in their songs, which draw imagery that's almost tangible.

Dept. of Energy - Song For John Voluntine

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