Monday, June 26, 2006

Cute Eyebrows

Andrew Bird is an excellent musician, yes. But forget all that for a moment, and instead focus on his eyebrows, which are the most expressive ones you'll ever see.

OK, back to the music. Many indie music fans will know his album Weather Systems from a couple of years back. It's atmospheric, moody, great for listening to on a rainy, blustering day.

At a concert in NYC well before he released this album, Bird played one of the songs from it, called "I," which I hearted. When the album came out, I was surprised and a little disappointed at how much the song had changed. Not that the album version isn't good. I just wanted to relive the particular experience I had had at the show.

I recall hunting for a live version of this song online right after the show with no luck, back in the day when newly Napster-less fans were milling about trying to figure out what to do with themselves. But with entire shows getting posted online more regularly these days, I recently had more luck. This version comes close. Take a listen.

Capital I (live)

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