Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Whoooo boy. It's been a long time since a book has made me cry, and that's all I'll really say about that, except to add that were I the one doing the soundtrack for the movie version (which one has difficulty imagining will be anything but a mess compared to the perfection of the book), I would secure the rights to these songs, in no particular order, except for the first one, which is, well, first:

Nada Surf - The Fox. (Here.) I just happened to hear this just as I was getting sucked into this book, and I found it cropping up in my head as I got further and further in. The more I listened to it, the more it seemed that the band must have written the song while reading this book. It would be good for any number of stretches of text that find our father and son struggling across their post-apocalyptic world. We're in a different war, with ourselves and some of you, so many things that don't hold true. With the fear that dims all light.

Radiohead - The Gloaming. Genie Lantern light a fire, this is now the witching hour. What if it were always the witching hour?

Arvo Part - well, anything, really, but how about Fratres...redemptive and cleansing, but still a little ominous. For the closing credits.

The Frames - Dream Awake. For a flashback or two. (Here.)

Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps. For when it does.

El-P. Flyentology. Or Run the Numbers. Or both. For when there are bad guys.

Liars - The Other Side of Mt. Heart Attack. For aloneness.

Peter Gabriel - We Do What We're Told. For your random general creepy scene.

Pela - Rooftops. For, I think, the closing scene.

Menomena - Running. For the long stretches without food. (Here.)

It's a little creepy, how different all these songs are if you imagine them from another point of view. Now, off to stock up on canned goods.

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