Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Stoked/Not Stoked

I am

Stoked: That Radiohead has 167,147 fans on Facebook (which I just joined!), currently 80,848 more fans than Britney Spears. All is as it should be.

Not stoked: That Coldplay has more fans than Radiohead. Which reminds me of a distasteful interaction I once had:

Me: (playing Radiohead CD)
Unnamed blasphemous one: They sound like Coldplay!
Me: (ominous silence)... ... ... Uh, nooooo, Coldplay sounds like Radiohead.

As a side note, Linkin Park, Justin Timberlake, and Chris Brown all have more fans than Radiohead, as does Victoria's Secret Pink. (?) And someone called 'The Stig'. (But not, thankfully, Tool.) Curious, this Facebook...

Stoked: To be going to All Points West.

Not stoked: In sign number 5,644 of the pending CD apocalypse, I was stalking the new Ting Tings album this weekend (i.e. too lazy to look up release date so just checking to see if it's out whenever I'm at a record store) and it was available, but only as LP or MP3 download. If want CD, must wait until June 3. Which happens to be today, but see, I wanted it Sunday, see.

Stoked: Waterfalls in New York! Really!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can be a friend of Tool?!?! Really? Where do i sign up for this Faceback thingy?